sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Summary #1 "Energy Resources".

You use a number of different energy sources each day. Try tracing it back to its source. Many homes, schools, and bussines get heat by burning oil or natural gas. Some older buildings still burn coal for heat. The heat in many others homes and business come from electricity. So does the energy to run many common devices, such as light, computers, radios, TV´s, and washers. Some small devices such as flashlights and portable CD players get their electricity from batteries. Most of the other devices use electricy from a wall outlet. That electricity comes from a power plant. Electricity from that plant reaches your home through wires. There is an energy that is use in all the world is the Fossils Fuels. Heat from burning fossil fuels can be used directly to heat homes, schools, businesses, and factories. Fossil fuels are the remains of once
 living things. Coal formed from the remains of dead plants buried in acient swamps and forest. Natural gas and oil formed from the remains of tiny ocean plants and animals. These sea creatures died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. There is a form of get energy without pollute is the Alternative Energy Source: a source of energy other than the burning of a fossil fuel. These are examples of Alternative Energy Source: 
1. Water energy, 2.Wind energy, 3.Geothermal energy and 4.Solar energy.
Wind energy

Solar energy

Geothermal energy

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