domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Summary #6 "Places to Live Around the World"

    One of Earth´s large ecosystem, with its climate, soil, plant and animals is called biome. Each person live in 1 biome it could be : 
 1. Taiga: A cool, forest biome of conifers in the upper Northern Hemisphere.
 2. Tundra: a cold, forest biome of the farnorth, marked by spongy topsoil.

3. Desert: A sandy or rocky biome, with a little precipitation and a little plant life.

4. Deciduous Forest: a forest biome with many kinds of trees that lose their leaves each Autumn.

5. Tropical Rain Forest: a hot, humid biome near the equator, with much rainfall and a wide variety of life.

Each biome have characteristics:
  • Location
  • Climate( how much rains in that biome?)
  • Soil
  • Plants
  • Animals
But do you know about a Water Biome? There are two types of  Water Biome:                                 
  • Fresh Water:
  1. Plankton: Biotic factors that floats in the water.
  2. Neckton: Biotics factors that swim throught water.
  3. Bethos: Bottom-dweling organism.
  • Salt Water:
  1. Upper Region: 100-200meters deapht
  2. Lower Region: 200-1000meters deapht

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